Non Oxidizing Microbiocides (NOM) have a specific mode of operation. Some attack structural, or functional components of protoplasm such as enzymes, proteins, lipids, metals, or minerals. Some NOM poison or interfere with the normal metabolic process. Still others inhibit the permeability of the cell membrane. All of these modes contribute to the death of the cell body.
Regardless of the the mode, all NOM have the same general effects upon the system.
1. In the presence of a toxic substance mircorbiological organisms increase their rate of metabolism. This is part of their nartural survival response. This means that underfeeding a biocide will actually stimulate the microbiological growth in the system.
2. The microbiological population in a cooling tower can be drastically altered through the use of only one NOM. Species and strains of microbiological organisms least affected by the biocide will some become the dominant strain in the system.
3. NOM kill, but they do not consume the organic molecules that previously supported the life of microbes. The debris of the dead cells provides a significant source of food for new growth. This tends to cause a response of higher growth and reproduction rates. This is one of the main reasons an oxidizer is often used in conjunction with NOM. Oxidizers physically destroy the organics eliminating the food source.
4. Microbiological organisms rapidly adapt to a changing environment. The organisms will develop resistant strains.